The Seafarer’s Welding Handbook will be serialised as a free resource for the marine welding community. It forms part of an innovative, new offering to the maritime sector, including on-board consultancy, training, and a comprehensive range of products that have been selected to meet the requirements of the marine welding professional.
The Handbook – together with the revised product and service range – represents a significant step forward in Star International’s welding capabilities, and provides a single source solution for shipping owners, operators and welding personnel.
Jeff Antley, Managing Director at Star International, said:
“Star’s new welding range represents a market-leading selection of equipment and consumables for the marine welder. The entire offering is informed by extensive industry analysis, customer feedback and the first-hand experience of our in-house welding expert, Leif Andersen.
“This is combined with on-board consultancy and training, delivered in partnership with operators to ensure that personnel receive support that is specific to the requirements of the operator and their vessels.
“When combined with the Seafarer’s Welding Handbook, the new offering is designed to support welding personnel with a single source solution for all welding requirements on-board ship.”
Leif Andersen, Author of the Seafarer’s Welding Handbook and Maritime Master Welder at Star International, said:
“The Seafarer’s Welding Handbook is an indispensable resource for marine welders at all levels of experience.
“Covering 24 sections, the Handbook includes technical guidance for a huge range of challenges that welders may encounter on-board ship, details the tools required to complete the job and offers step-by-step guidance that ensures the work is completed safely and to a high standard.
“The Handbook is dedicated to the colleagues I have worked with in educating new generations of welders and whose hard work and enthusiasm has helped to improve both best practice and the safety of welders at sea; Erling Fagerholt, Arne Andersen and Erling Budal.”
In addition to the Handbook, new services will include on-board training and consultancy, backed by an extensive range of products, including welding machines, consumables, gases, cold welding polymers and safety equipment.
The Seafarer’s Welding Handbook will be published as a series of free downloads and covers topics including hot work permits and working safety on board ship, the different welding, brazing and cutting processes and a number of welding repair solutions.
The first section ‘’Hot work permits and safety precautions in connection with welding and cutting work on-board’ is available now via, with subsequent sections being published every fortnight.